Our next stop was a trip across the Mekong River to Laos. We hope to make a longer visit to this country later during this trip but for this day it was all part of the tour. This three corners area (Thailand, Laos and Burma) is call The Golden Triangle and gained fame for its flourishing Opium trade in years past. (Now its just heroin coming out of Myanmar, but that's another story) . Our guide was a veteran guide and had many stories of Opium treks with foreigners during the seventies and eighties. It almost killed him. The area used to be very dangerous (and still is to some extent) as it was governed by various mafia groups and drug trafficking tribal groups. (Don't worry we only had a small amount of heroin with us so the Mafiosos didn't bother us. kidding). We did however, have the unfortunate encounter with a floating dead body along the Mekong. It was a bit surreal as we motored by, very close, to this body of man whom accordingly, was likely shot by the "police" and dumped into the river for disposal. The kids handled it well. They are certainly getting an education, for better or worse.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Visa Run
Our next stop was a trip across the Mekong River to Laos. We hope to make a longer visit to this country later during this trip but for this day it was all part of the tour. This three corners area (Thailand, Laos and Burma) is call The Golden Triangle and gained fame for its flourishing Opium trade in years past. (Now its just heroin coming out of Myanmar, but that's another story) . Our guide was a veteran guide and had many stories of Opium treks with foreigners during the seventies and eighties. It almost killed him. The area used to be very dangerous (and still is to some extent) as it was governed by various mafia groups and drug trafficking tribal groups. (Don't worry we only had a small amount of heroin with us so the Mafiosos didn't bother us. kidding). We did however, have the unfortunate encounter with a floating dead body along the Mekong. It was a bit surreal as we motored by, very close, to this body of man whom accordingly, was likely shot by the "police" and dumped into the river for disposal. The kids handled it well. They are certainly getting an education, for better or worse.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Rylan Playing Tennis
Just wanted to see if I could upload a video.
Check out Rylan's follow through! Wow he really looks like he knows what he doing.
(For you less then Internet savvy types: click the play button, then wait)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hard to beileve that Christmas is right around the corner, not because its been another year already, but because there is just is no sense of the Holiday here. (It's all about Buhhda in Thailand and its warm). Very few decorations, except some in the Western stlye malls. We haven't been exposed to the endless Christmas music. No loss there! It's kinda been nice in fact; a lot less pressure. We do miss our Friends and Family. Happy Holidays to you all.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2007
Random Comments 2

It's unfortunate but the karaoke thing is big in Thailand. Well not really Karaoke, just Thai’s singing American songs on stage. They shouldn't’t do it! They can’t pronounce a good portion of the consonants in our Language yet they feel compelled to belt out Elvis, Frank Sinatra and the others . It's embarrassing. Right before this gal (picture) came on, Elvis was there in person. It was something I won't forget anytime soon. I had to bit my lip.

The Thais love their King. Its a sort-of Monarchy/Democracy here. (Although if you ask the Ex-Pats it's more like the King and his Mafia) The King has been in power for the past 60 years, so they don't really know any other leader. Somewhere along the line someone decided that the people should show their support for the King by wearing the same colors (shirts with royal symbol) on each day of the week. Monday is Yellow shirt Day and Wednesday is Pink. (These are the two most popular. There is Green day, Blue Day, White Day etc, as well but yellow and pink are the biggies).
Our first experience of "Yellow Day" was in Bangkok when we went to the Hospital for immunizations. The hospital was crazy busy and at first I thought the staff was wearing yellow uniforms, but quickly realized that the all the people sitting were also wearing yellow as well. Perhaps as many as 80% of the hundreds were in yellow. Really strange. Then a few days later we notice everyone was in Pink. That's when we asked.
I now have a yellow shirt that I proudly wear on Mondays. Pink, I don't think so, but Barrett got one for her Stuff animals.

One sign of Christmas here are the gift baskets available at the grocery stores. At least I think they are for Christmas, I don't really know. Anyway they are the strangest Assembly of foods possible. The gift basket below contains a bottle of Whiskey, a can of coconut milk, coffee, prune juice, corn flakes, crackers and tea. I think I'd rather have the fruit cake

An Elephant walking down the street at night with a (very small) bicycle reflector strapped to its tail.
Chiang Mai

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Random Comments
The unrelenting Thai politeness. Most Thai's are overwhelmingly polite, not just with words but with actions.
24oz local beers. Order a beer and that's what you get. I guess the 12oz model just isn't enough in this tropical climate.
$2.90 hour long Thai massage. That was the best price I've seen so far, generally we dish out twice that much. It's a daily habit at this point.
200+ item menus! Many restaurants have menus 30 pages long. The only nuisance is that Thai's are so polite, once they hand you the menu, they stand right next to you until you order. Once, I tried telling the waiter to give us a few minutes. He politly agreed and then stayed right there and waited. I'm starting to get used to it.
Where's the Elephant!
While in Bangkok, we were at a nice outdoor restaurant in downtown across from our hotel, when all of a sudden a young elephant walks up right next to us, like within 10-12 feet! (It's really amazing just how quiet they are). Anyway, I noticed it first and said "Hey guys look an elephant". Syd and Barrett notice but Rylan had be looking down at his plate. When he looks up he says "where"!
I said "Right there"!
He stretched his neck so he could see around this big "grey wall" and again says "where's the elephant"? Again I say "right here". It didn't register for Rylan for another few moments, but when it did it was a great reaction of surprise and shock.
I think there is a joke about hiding elephants. Anyway, we laughed about it all night.
Some Funny Stuff:
Two ladies in full burka attire riding a moped. ( I don't know, I guess you just had to see it).
Road Rules:
As I see it the lines painted on the roads are for reference only, perhaps a form of measurement. What we would call two lanes, the Thai's call five; two for cars and 3 for mopeds OR 3 for cars and 2 for mopeds.
At the stoplights mopeds weave through the traffic until they are at the front. It is expected, if you don't the moped behind you will let you know.
Driving the wrong way on a street is okay, as long as you think you can make it. (Sidewalks are fine too).
Turning left on Red is expected even if your in the outside lane. Again only if you think you can make it.
3 persons per moped is fine, just put the baby on the handlebars.
If you see a car nosing in from a side street, expect them to go for it. (If they didn't they'd never get in).
Cell phone use while mopeding in traffic is common, no need to stop. I actually saw three on a moped, two of which were on the phone. I know unbelievable.
In the states we call all this DWA (Driving While Asian). Well we're living it. We rented two mopeds for the month, and today I performed my first left on red. But don't worry Moms, I haven't called anyone yet.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Grand Palace
Today we spent the day at the National Museum of Thailand and the Grand Palace, home of the King. As with so many museums the unfortunate overall theme is man's conflict with himself. War seems to be the one defining activity that all regions, worldwide, have in common. Unfortunately, Thai culture/history is no different. On the other hand the traditional architecture here is fabulous. The Grand Palace is a real visual delight. I can't even imagine the time and labor that must have gone into building the site. Whether paying reverence to The Buddha or creating awe for the masses, the Thai people have done a splendid job. The pictures really don't do it justice.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Bad Rap
The food is fantastic and cheap. Entrées at the better restaurants run about $8-12 and are super tasty. There are a ton of musems, shows and theater throughout the city. The nightlife is active, to say the least. The quality of the native crafts (not that I really like crafts) are twice that of what I've seen in China. The people are amazingly polite and helpful, not something you find in many cities.
Syd and I plan to stay a few extra days. Maybe we'll leave Thr or Fri. The kids have started a blog as well. You can find it here: http://rylanandbarrett.blogspot.com/
Friday, November 02, 2007
Medical Check-up
- Blood Tests (Counts, Blood Sugar)
- Cholesterol Profile
- Gout
- Kidney Function Tests
- Liver Function Tests
- Thyroid Check
- Cancer Markers Tests
- EKG and Stress Test
- Chest X-ray
- Ultrasound of Whole Abdomen
- Eye Exam
All for the uninsured price of about $340. Yes $340.00 dollars, all in half a day. Compare that to the MRI and pain shot that Syd got just before we left. She had to have 5-6 appointments (referral, consultation, MRI, another consultation, then the shot) over 5 weeks (and that was short time frame, because I play tennis with the Doc). The total was over $4,000.00, $2,000.00 after insurance. Not that I'm down on the US medical system, but an MRI here is about $125.00. Syd is at the Hospital today, shes healthly. (Her results came in the same day. My results will be in Monday).
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Arrival in Thailand (Bangkok)

So we'll head out today and see whats what. Eric...