Interesting things happen when you are together so much. The bond that ties us grows tremendously of course, but it goes beyond that. It is as if you become a singular unit. Always on the same page. Take this for example, in just one day recently Syd and I shared thoughts many times starting with dreams. +028.jpg)
Frequently when we wake we discuss out nights' dreams. Lately it has not been unusual for us to have the same, or very similar dreams. Same scenes types, same subject matter, same feelings. The other night we both dreamed about traveling through a deep ravine, our way slowed by water, mud and step canyon walls. Syd would start to talk about the dream and I could generally finish the thought. Neither of us could relate the dream (dreams) to events of the previous day. No sense of where it came from. Its an uncanny experience, but so frequent during our 12 years together that it doesn't freak me out anymore

Later, same day, I was preparing the kids' school work for the day and thought it would be a good day to start an American History book that Syd had purchased for the kids over a month earlier. During that month Syd had only read to the kids once from the book. As I went get the book Syd came from the bedroom with it in hand. She too had decided that today was the day. 
Late morning, same day, after a session on the courts at the Canggu Club, I showered and then decided to make an appointment for a massage. The massoure had an immediate opening so I took it. I went to tell the kids to tell Mom that thats where I'd be. Moments later, Syd appeared, she too had made an appointment directly out of the shower. She too had also gone to tell the kids, to have the kids tell me thats where she'd be. The kids laughed at us. 
Massages are nothing unusual for us but you have to understand, after coming to this club for over a month, we had never gotten a body massage here, nor had we discussed doing so. It wasn't part of our routine, yet we did the exact same thing at the exact same time. Again.
So there we were, in the same room getting rubbed. After some time and relaxation , I blurt out to Syd I I didn't look forward to not being able to get massages often once back in the States. Of course she was having that thought at that moment as well. A few moments later, different thought, same scenario.
Massages are nothing unusual for us but you have to understand, after coming to this club for over a month, we had never gotten a body massage here, nor had we discussed doing so. It wasn't part of our routine, yet we did the exact same thing at the exact same time. Again.
So there we were, in the same room getting rubbed. After some time and relaxation , I blurt out to Syd I I didn't look forward to not being able to get massages often once back in the States. Of course she was having that thought at that moment as well. A few moments later, different thought, same scenario.

Much of it comes from being in a no stress , no schedule, deadlines or work environment. Just living together and really connecting, the way things were meant to be before modern life confused everything. In some ways the synchronicity seems/feels tribal.
You know, simple.
Being married to Syd is an experience that's hard to describe; I'm glad its my experience.