Monday, December 17, 2007

Random Comments 2

It's unfortunate but the karaoke thing is big in Thailand. Well not really Karaoke, just Thai’s singing American songs on stage. They shouldn't’t do it! They can’t pronounce a good portion of the consonants in our Language yet they feel compelled to belt out Elvis, Frank Sinatra and the others . It's embarrassing. Right before this gal (picture) came on, Elvis was there in person. It was something I won't forget anytime soon. I had to bit my lip.

The Thais love their King. Its a sort-of Monarchy/Democracy here. (Although if you ask the Ex-Pats it's more like the King and his Mafia) The King has been in power for the past 60 years, so they don't really know any other leader. Somewhere along the line someone decided that the people should show their support for the King by wearing the same colors (shirts with royal symbol) on each day of the week. Monday is Yellow shirt Day and Wednesday is Pink. (These are the two most popular. There is Green day, Blue Day, White Day etc, as well but yellow and pink are the biggies).

Our first experience of "Yellow Day" was in Bangkok when we went to the Hospital for immunizations. The hospital was crazy busy and at first I thought the staff was wearing yellow uniforms, but quickly realized that the all the people sitting were also wearing yellow as well. Perhaps as many as 80% of the hundreds were in yellow. Really strange. Then a few days later we notice everyone was in Pink. That's when we asked.

I now have a yellow shirt that I proudly wear on Mondays. Pink, I don't think so, but Barrett got one for her Stuff animals.
One sign of Christmas here are the gift baskets available at the grocery stores. At least I think they are for Christmas, I don't really know. Anyway they are the strangest Assembly of foods possible. The gift basket below contains a bottle of Whiskey, a can of coconut milk, coffee, prune juice, corn flakes, crackers and tea. I think I'd rather have the fruit cakeFunny Stuff:

An Elephant walking down the street at night with a (very small) bicycle reflector strapped to its tail.

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