This isn’t really a blog about Thailand, but it does have to do with being/living abroad. As most of us know, even the most stanch Republicans, George Bush is not well liked by the world community.
I was at a restaurant the other day and I noticed some anti Bush pictures proudly posted on the walls. Not just one anti Bush picture, but quite a few. This certainly wasn’t the first time I’d seen these types of displays, but it got me thinking about our recent travels.
When people find out we’re Americans frequently they ask about George Bush. Questions like, “Why did the American people elect him”. Or statements like, “I look forward to the Democrats getting back in office”. Or simply, as one taxi driver in Bangkok put it in his best English; “Bush is very bad, Very Bad!” These comments make me feel uncomfortable and are embarrassing. Even know I dislike Bush as much (or more) then they do, I still feel that I'm (we) are being associated with Bush. I’m an American after all, and “we” elected him.
In the past two and a half years we’ve been to four countries in Africa, three countries in South America, and four countries in Asia. (Mexico as well). During that time I have not met a single person who supported George Bush and his administration. Think about it, that’s people from three continents, with multiple viewpoints from various religious and political systems and not one GB supporter. NOT ONE! How is it that HALF the voters of my country elected this guy, while I can’t find a single supported elsewhere?! Amazing! Sure this is an indication of just how out of touch America has become.
I should note that Syd I also traveled often while Bill Clinton was in office. At that time, I never felt this negative association with being American.
(I'm sorry if this post offens my Republican friends but its my observation plan and simple).
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